Listservs, Mailing Lists, Chat and Newsletters - talking about copyright
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Creative Commons (cc)
is a USA initiative
Creative Commons - developed to offer creators of digital materials
more choices than just
" open to all with no control"
or "open to no one" ... copyright
licences include:

full details of licences are posted at

online utility to choose a licence is at

Free for Education (FfE)
This is an Australian initiative.
FfE is a trade mark of AEShareNet Limited. AEShareNet is a streamlined
copyright management framework established by government on a non-profit
basis for the education sector. |
Free for Education mark indicates that material may be freely used
for educational purposes ...
The mark may be applied by anyone to any material in which they own
the copyright provided they agree with the conditions set out in these

You are able to search for sites using this licencing at

Creative Archive Licence Group (CALG) |
is a UK Initiative
" The Creative Archive is a BBC led initiative to provide
access to public service audio and video archives in a way that allows
the British public to find, share, watch, listen and re-use the archive
as a fuel for their own creative endeavours. In other words, you can
rip, mix and share the BBC." |
No commercial use |
Share alike |
Give credit |
No endorsement |
UK only |

