Welcome |
'The Education Project
Asia" is a consultancy designed to offer support to International
Schools in S.E.Asia ... particularly in the area of integration of
ICT across the curriculum.
Apart from maintaining the "Shambles" website I also provides on-site support to schools in the area of "ICT Across The Curriculum"
USA National Education Technology Plan |
www.nationaledtechplan.org/ |
On January 7th 2005, Secretary Rod Paige, U.S. Department of Education, released the USA National Education Technology Plan, entitled Toward a New Golden Age in American Education: How the Internet, the Law and Today’s Students are Revolutionizing Expectations.
Topics covered include:
| Student Data Management | Online Testing | Paper-based Testing | Individualized Education Programs |
Ensuring Data Quality | No Child Left Behind Success | Strengthen Leadership | Consider Innovative Budgeting | Improve Teacher Training | Support E-Learning and Virtual Schools | Encourage Broadband Access | Move Toward Digital Content | Integrate Data Systems |
There has been some criticism that missing from this list are 'School Libraries' and 'Special Educational Needs + disability' ... but still a valuable document

An initiative of the
U.S. Depart. of Education
and the
Office of Educ Technology |
School Calendar 2005 - 2006 ... to print out
www.shambles.net/calendar/ |
Forward Planning
Calendar templates for 2005-2006 as Microsoft Word documents are now available for downloading.
Designed to be printed on A3 size paper. |
Interactive Whiteboard Conference in Hong Kong 22-23 April 2005 |
www.iwb.net.au/ or email info@iwb.net.au |
Regional Conference on "Interactive Whiteboards and Schooling"
"Successfully harnessing the learning technologies"
22/23 April 2005 : Venue: West Island School, Hong Kong
cost: HK$2,475 (about US$320)
This event is designed specifically for
school and system leaders, classroom teachers, teacher librarians, business managers and ICT managers and provides an insight into the educational power of IWBs, and how to successfully harness that power across the school.
Presenters include staff from
IWBNet (Australia),
SMART Technologies,
Miranda Net (UK),
Virtual Ink (Mimio),
Hull University (UK) Cascade team,
Keele University (UK) ... as well as a number of leading IWB classroom teachers. One of the important aspects is that this is being offered in partnership with The English Schools Foundation (ESF) in HK who have been using IWBs for over 4 years, they have 16 Int.Schs in HK with over 12,000 students and 800+ teachers and so have considerable IWB practical experience to share.

CASE Conference : Marketing and Development for Schools : Bangkok 9+10 May |
www.case.org/conferences/bangkok/default.cfm |
CASE Asia Schools Conference
9-10 May 2005 The Landmark Hotel, Bangkok
The first ever CASE conference for schools in Asia, both international and national, to be held in Bangkok in May with the support of the International School Bangkok.
The conference will cover the three essential components of development, marketing, alumni relations and philanthropy and, in addition to being of particular relevance to development personnel, will have a management component which will appeal to school Board members, Governors, Headteachers/Principals and other school senior management team members..
Speakers include: Bill Mules, Head of School, and Mike Miller, Director of External Affairs, American School in London; Carrie Levenson-Wahl, Development Director, International School of Paris; Joanna Motion, Vice President International Operations for CASE; Frank Opray, Director, Washington Services, Melbourne.
CASE : Council for Advancement and Support of Education
Headquartered in Washington, DC, with an office in London, the Council for Advancement and Support of Education is the professional organization for advancement professionals at all levels who work in alumni relations, communications, and development.
Today CASE's membership includes more than 3,000 colleges, universities, and independent elementary and secondary schools in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and 42 other countries.
This makes CASE the largest nonprofit education association in terms of institutional membership.
WTV at Thai Chinese International School |
joey@tcis.ac.th |
Thai-Chinese International School in Bangkok, Thailand has found a new way to deliver their morning announcements to all students and staff.
On October 1st, 2004, Wolf Television (WTV) was unveiled as the latest e-learning technology in the school. Every day a 5-10 minute video, including administrative, teacher, and student announcements/productions is created by a senior computer class to be aired during the homeroom period on the following day.
The school purchased 50 televisions to be mounted in each homeroom class, a hi-tech multimedia distribution system, and a computer with plenty of RAM and storage, which all together act as the media tool that delivers the daily morning show.
The class is made up of 11 students that include 4 anchor-people, 3 camera people, 3 editors, and 1 animator.
The televisions in each classroom have made for a nice addition as many teachers either connect them to their computers as a presentation tool or simply use them to show videos to their classes.
The administration has also made good use of WTV as a means to announce important news such as an announcement to all on the school strategy to raise donations for tsunami victims.

click the image for a larger version
For more info contact
Teacher (founder of WTV)
Joe Smith
(I.T. Coordinator & Teacher)
WTV Crew
Dennis Chang, Joy Bungbongkot, Lily Cheng, Christine Su, Emilie Su, Johnny Chan, Gina Chen, Vasin Ruengjittaveekul, Oak Siwachapul, Hao Liu, Charlie Tophati
Ask a Librarian LIVE - Online ( PILOT UK Initiative ) |
www.peoplesnetwork.gov.uk/services/chat_form.html |
The Enquiry Service of the People's Network
This is a service that allows you to have any questions answered by knowledgeable staff, just as if you were in your local library ... live online in a "chat" utility.
To use the service simply enter your details in the form, along with the question you wish to ask. Then press the 'Connect' button. When you do this a new window will open and you will be connected to a member of staff, who will try to help you.
They have said that they will answer questions from overseas from staff or students. |
currently a pilot project
it will be formally
launched in Spring 2005
by the UK Museums
Libraries and Archives Council |
Schools Websites - Showcased |
Counseling Web at Singapore American School
An extensive list of links for international students and counselors ... see the links down the side for :
| doing well in school | courses/planning guide | graduation requirements | AP program | find college information | applying | recommendations | download forms | finances/residency | acceptances | career information | ACT vs SAT | SAT prep options| mental health | physical health | parenting | in times of crisis |
on Shambles |
www.shambles.net/advertising/ |
Not many schools have taken up the advertising
options on 'Shambles' which is a surprise as our pages do come up
high in search engines.
'Shambles' is a free service because of sponsorship and advertising
... your support would be appreciated .. email me for more details
if interested csmith@csmith.info
Teachers T.V. |
www.teachers.tv |
Teachers' TV, a new (UK) TV channel for everyone who works in schools. An editorially independent channel offering the unique opportunity to see how other teachers teach, by letting you into the classroom. |
Teachers' TV is a channel for everyone who works in education, from heads to NQTs, governors to support staff.
Programmes take you inside classrooms and schools across the country to see how good teachers are bringing the (national) curriculum to life and improving schools
All national curriculum subjects are covered in the Primary and Secondary Zones, where there are also programmes for headteachers, managers, newly qualified teachers and governors.
Many programmes can also be viewed online as streaming video ... and can also be downloaded to ensure they do work at your training session.
Confucius Meets Piaget: Practical suggestions for working with Korean students and parents |
email : jborden@sfs.or.kr |
Confucius Meets Piaget: An Educational Perspective on Ethnic Korean Students and their Parents (Jonathan F. Borden) provides a glimpse into the historical, cultural, and educational realities of contemporary South Korea that mold the lives and minds of the increasing number of Korean children found in international schools throughout the world today.
It has been used in a number of East Asian international schools as the basis for staff development book studies, and is the foundation for the workshops presented by the author at international schools in Asia and at conferences in Asia, Europe, and Africa, and has been placed by the Korean Cultural Center of New York in 300 local public schools.
Topics such as academic stress, class participation, social hierarchy, relationships, parental expectations, and academic integrity are addressed honestly and sensitively.
Practical suggestions for working with Korean students and parents are included.

Available from the author
Jonathan Borden
for USD$10.00
plus postage from Korea
Jonathan is the
middle school principal at
Seoul Foreign School |
Magnetic Letters on the Shambles Virtual Mini-Fridge Door : Learning the Alphabet |
www.shambles.net/abc |
This term we installed our virtual mini-fridge on Shambles ... complete with magnetic letters.
This is designed specifically for young students and can be accessed both in school and at home ... educational and fun.
There is also a specific area on "Shambles" which contains links to resources to help with learning/teaching the Alphabet at www.shambles.net/pages/learning/primary/Alphab/
"Managing Change Toolkit" for libraries |
www.mla.gov.uk/action/pn/change.asp and
www.teachernet.gov.uk/schoollibraries |
Libraries of all kinds are undergoing change at an unprecedented rate. For example, School and other Education libraries are redefining their roles to support e-learning and to help students to develop the information literacy required to operate in the ‘Age of Information’.
Meanwhile, all kinds of libraries are addressing the need for fundamental change and are carving out new electronic information-based roles. All of the main areas of library work are being challenged in the process, from new types of access and innovative support for reader development, to web-based and distributed enquiry work and engagement with lifelong learning, not to mention new ways of preserving and exploiting materials digitally.
Redefining the role and the culture of libraries is also leading to new forms of electronic service provision for teenagers and ‘silver surfers’, socially excluded groups and ethnic minorities –- with much more change to come in all these areas.
To help with this a "Toolkit for Change" can be accessed as a Word document ( 870 KB) at
With thanks to David Streatfield for this information, David (based in the UK) has previously provided professional support to library staff in Hong Kong.
He is, with Sharon Markless, now running training courses to help library managers in dealing with the accelerated rate of change.
BlogMeister - for use in ALL subjects |
http://landmark-project.com/blogmeister/ and www.shambles.net/pages/school/blogs/ |
So you've seen the term BLOG and not actually tried one out yet or do not even have enough understanding to evaluate if it would be useful for you to use with your students.
There is a section on Shambles which has links to lots of information about BLOGS (Weblogs) and how to set them up .... BUT why not try one specifically designed for teachers to use with their students ... Blogmeister
There are many freely available tools that facilitate blogging, but none seem especially suited for the classroom. That is the reason for BlogMeister. This online blogging tool is explicitly designed with teachers and students in mind, where the teacher can evaluate, comment on, and finally publish students' blog articles in a controlled environment.
So what really makes BlogMeister unique is that student publications must be
reviewed by the teacher before they can be made public.

with thanks to
David Warlick
for building this
and making it
available to
English as a Second Language : ESL (and EAL) |
www.thaitesol.org/ |
I was fortunate to be one of the presenters at
the Thailand TESOL's 25th Anniversary International Conference : 20-22 Jan in Bangkok where I ran a seminar on "Finding and using free ESL resources", details can be seen at www.shambles.net/esl (see the link at the bottom of the page).
This annual event attracted over 1,000 participants from across Asia (not just Thailand) and also offered a comprehensive exhibition.
This is becoming a "must visit" event for ESL educators in Asia now ... so you may wish to make a note in your calendar for next year ..... it will be in Chiangmai .. date to be decided. |
For fun ... I'm producing tee-shirts with a theme of "EDUCAUTION" ... see some of the examples at www.shambles.net/shop
If you have a "prompt line and response" you'd like on one of these shirts then just email the text to me ... I'll make it for you ... but you'll have to buy it online yourself.
Putting "U" into "Education
Gordon Lewis O.B.E.
Gordon left the E.S.F (Hong Kong) as Principal of Sha Tin Junior School in the summer 2004 and he is now Head of Beijing City International School (China).
In the Queens (UK that is) New Years honours list it was announced that he would be getting an O.B.E. for his service to education in Hong Kong ..... congratulations Gordon, well deserved.
BTW : OBE does NOT mean "Out of Body Experience" !

ICASE International Workshop
International Council of Associations for Science Education
Promoting Scientific and Technological Literacy (STL) through Science Toys and Out-of-School Science Activities
4th – 7th April 2005, Pattaya, Thailand
A flier can be downloaded from www.shambles.net/science/event/icaseapril05.pdf

Pi Day : 14th March
Of course ... all Mathematics teachers and students will know that Pi day is coming up soon.
All International Schools on one page
There is a new single page on Shambles that lists all International Schools in S.E.Asia.
TechEx (Conf / Exhib / Workshops)
11th November 2005 - venue: Bangkok Patana International School, Bangkok, Thailand
One to add to your diary ... where-ever you are in Asia
TechEX 2005, a forum for educators to exchange ideas, skills and experiences with others from across Thailand and the region. This is the only ICT conference in Southeast Asia specifically aimed at all teachers in international schools.

Asia-Pacific Programme on ICT in Education managed by the UNESCO
Two new ICT in Education publications:
"School Networking: ICT Lessons Learned Series Volume Two" and " Infoshare: Sources and Resources Bulletin, Volume 6"
CLICK HERE for full details

Database of International Schools Worldwide
The International Schools Consultancy (ISC) has been researching international schools for more than 10 years and probably has the most comprehensive database of Int.Schs worldwide.
They are now developing a web-based service to make the information much more easily available to suitable suppliers, organisations and schools themselves. The service will include tools for analysing the data and filtering by any combination of region, country, city, curriculum, examinations, age range, size, membership of school organisations .... see the ISC page or the next newsletter for more info.

That's IT
The next newsletter will be the first week of May 2005
Any feedback you can give about this newsletter is always appreciated
.... especially ideas or contributions for future editions ...
If you know of any
new international schools opening in the region - Brunei
Burma/Myanmar Cambodia China Hong Kong (HKSAR) India Indonesia Japan Laos
Macau Malaysia Philippines Singapore South Korea Taiwan Thailand Vietnam
- then please let me know csmith@csmith.info

"There are 10 types of people in this world - those who understand binary and those who don't."
If you know
of any commercial companies or organisations that might be interested
in sponsoring a future newsletter then please feel free to forward this
newsletter to them .... many thanks.
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