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Digitally Speaking: Tools to Improve Communication

Global Edu Conference
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Our mission statement is:
"Promoting critical thinking, education, and informed citizenship by presenting controversial issues in a straightforward, nonpartisan, primarily pro-con format."
We accomplish our mission by researching issues that we feel are controversial and important, and we work to present them in a balanced, comprehensive, straightforward, and primarily pro-con format at no charge on our websites.
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Debate Central
DEBATE CENTRAL is a non-profit service of the Lawrence Debate Union and the University of Vermont, and is designed to promote debating at all levels, in all languages, and all around the world. Our server is provided by the University of Vermont.
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Persuasion Map
Persuasion Map
Map out your argument.
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Explore Ideas
Create personalized debate by connecting arguments that make sense to you.
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Explore Ideas
Dynamically develop thoughts with ideas and arguments that you find relevant.
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DebateGraph : Our goal is to make the best arguments on all sides of any public debate freely available to all and continuously open to challenge and improvement by all.
This site includes ...
- A wiki debate visualization tool
- A web-based, creative commons project
- A global graph of all the debates
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Build an Online Debate Community for Your Classroom!
Host debates and assign effective homework. Students evaluate, analyze, and synthesize topics on a deeper level through intellectual interaction with their peers.
Integrate technology into your classroom by allowing your students to discuss and debate their thoughts and opinions on current topics of study. Easy to administer and fun to use!
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Create Debate
Create Debate
CreateDebate is a social utility that allows our users to make better decisions.
It's a place for people to debate topics and ideas that they are passionate about and link their arguments to anywhere on the web. Regardless of the topic, CreateDebate's proprietary technology surfaces the best arguments for each side as voted on by our users.
Our mission is to provide a place that harnesses the collective intelligence of our users and empowers them to make better decisions.
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Debating SA
Debating SA
Debating SA is a not-for-profit association that operates across South Australia to allow students from schools and community organisations to participate in an education-based activity that promotes the development of communication, interpersonal and leadership skills.
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Conversational Terrorism
Conversational Terrorism
Debating tools (maybe)
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World Debate Institute
World Debate Institute
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Videos on Debating
Videos on Debating
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The Education Project Asia
Support Shambles with a donation (through PayPal) if you feel suitable ...  many thanks if you do  .... Chris

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niXtech Solutions is The Boutique Data Center offering dedicated IT facilities along with cloud based computing with a full array of appliances and services. Located near Copenhagen, Denmark, with secure infrastructure, state-of-the-art equipment, privately financed, debt free.

The Shambles.NET Home Page: curating and sharing - teaching and learning experiences ... managed by Chris Smith (Shamblesguru)

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