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Math Worksheet Center
A comprehensive math site for K-12 grade levels for teachers. We offer memberships and free worksheets.

Smartkiddies Math
No 1 in Australia for primary school use, have FUN while learning maths, Smartkiddies is developed by experienced Australian teachers. Curriculum based with 1000s of online maths games, worksheets, videos and lessons.

Worksheet Genius
Worksheet Genius - free printable worksheets that can be differentiated and randomized at the touch of a button. Ideal for children at primary or elementary school.

Johnnie's Math Page - Fun Math for Kids and their Teachers
Johnnie's Math Page is the site to find fun math for kids, math games, and even a little math homework help.
Interactive math activities from across the web have been organized by topic to make math learning enjoyable and interesting.

Math Worksheet Wizard
A simple-to-use tool math worksheet generator. Teachers and parents can create custom math worksheets for the classroom or as homework.
Make an unlimited number of math worksheets for children with the Math Worksheet Wizard! Try it for yourself... it's free!

Children's Mathematics Network (Early Years)
The Childrens Mathematics Network is an International, non-profit-making organisation for teachers, practitioners, students, researchers and teacher educators working with children in the birth to 8 year age range.
It is a grassroots network, with children and teachers at the heart of it.
The Network focuses on childrens mathematical graphics and the meanings children make. You will be able to explore written mathematics within the context of visual representation including drawing; early (emergent) writing; thinking; play; creativity and multi-modal learning.

Primary Maths Teacher Toolkit
Primary Maths Teacher Toolkit
Flash files to support whole class maths teaching in a primary school.

Reading a Tape Measure : Worksheet
Reading a Tape Measure : Make your own Worksheet online.
Unfortunately not metric .. only inches and feet.

Numberline Lane
Numberline Lane - Numberline Lane is based around a set of books designed to help teaching and learning maths through stories. They are written for children aged between four and seven years old.

Grey Olltwits Freeware - Mathematics
Grey Olltwits Freeware - Mathematics
Everlasting Maths Worksheet - Multiplication | Everlasting Maths Worksheet - Division | Everlasting Maths Worksheet - Subtraction | Everlasting Maths Worksheet - Addition | Guide To The Times Tables |

Primary Worksheets for Maths (Math)
Primary Worksheets for Maths KS1 and KS2 (k-6)
Addition :3 digit + 3 digit number | Addition :4 digit + 3 digit number | Long Multiplication : TU's x TU's | Ordering No's to 99999 - largest first | Ordering No's to 99999 - smallest first | Multiplying by 10 and 100 | Dividing by 10 and 100 | Multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100 | Addition Grids (1) | Multiplication Grids (1) | Number Bonds | Place Value (2)| Place Value (3) | Place Value (4) | Addition : 3 digit + 2 digit number | Missing Numbers | Missing Numbers (-ve)| Ordering to 999 - largest first | Ordering to 999 - smallest first | Missing Numbers | Ordering to 12 - largest first | Ordering to 12 - smallest first |

Maths Flashcards and Games
Lots of practical and fun Maths activities.

Maths Flashcards
Flashcards | Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division | Advanced Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division | Order of Operations | Geometric Area | Algebra | Fraction Inequalities | Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division with Negative Numbers | Inequalities | Multiplying and Simplifying Fractions | Money | Geometric Shapes | Square Roots | Rounding | Flashcard Creator - Create sets of flashcards for printing | Custom Flashcards - Create custom flashcards for printing |

The FUTURES Channel
Welcome to a preview of what we think will be one of the most powerful resources yet developed for teaching mathematics, science, technology and the arts.

Algebra Flash!
It is difficult to decide whether this is a lesson on algebra that uses Flash or a lesson on Flash that uses algebra. It was the result of two lessons close to the end of the 1999-2000 school year. The aim was to illustrate the different ways that a web-based algebra lesson could be made interactive.

MATHLINE is more than a Web site -- it is a professional development program that you can enroll in and benefit from all year long. Participants in MATHLINE may also receive graduate credit.

A+ Maths
Flashcards / problems / games / homework helper

Math World Interactive
Lots of resources.... but also enables interactive assessment activities

Online Maths Club
