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IT dictionary covering programming, network administration, databases, security, and just about anything else related to technology.

How To Build Custom Gaming Computers
Guide to building your own high performance gaming computer at an affordable price.

dot what? - File extensions information
dot what? - File extension information and help for Windows, Apple Mac & Linux.
File extension listing and the programs that use them.
Need some help? Ask any File Extension questions on the forums!

Tech Terms Computer Dictionary
A dictionary of computer and technology terms with definitions explained in simple language.

| - The File Extensions Resource
A searchable database of file extensions with detailed descriptions and information about each file type.

Build Your Own Cheap Computer
Free step-by-step tutorial to build your own cheap computer using cheap computer parts.

FILExt - The File Extension Source
FILExt - The File Extension Source
I have a file and need to know what's in it. I have no idea what produced the file. How do I look at the file contents?
This is a common problem; so much so that FILExt has a special page dedicated to it. Please see the Look Into a File page.
2. I need to convert one file format to another. Are there any tools to do this?
Yes. There are a number of tools that aid in format conversion; you may have one of them on your computer...the program that created the file. Many programs have an overlooked feature called either File|Save As or Export which will handle format conversion directly. If not, then here is a short list of some helpful programs and Web sites.
5. How do I find a program once I know the file type?
If the extension is unique then there might be a link to an appropriate Web site on the extension page (sorry if there's not, but this is an unending research process).......
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Ars Techcnica
It's an opinionated treasure-trove of information on all things PC. It tells you what it thinks about everything: the best case, the best processor, the best sound cards, the best anything. It also has an enormous range of tips and tricks in its "how to's and tweaks" section that will answer just about any question you might have when working with the insides of your computer.
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