IELTS Practice : Facebook Page is for candidates preparing for IELTS. Find resources from teachers and candidates, and advice from the British Council's Road to IELTS.
Most candidates find the IELTS test a daunting prospect. It can be a life-changing test, yet many candidates do not receive any formal preparation; and those who do can always benefit from extra input. On this site we provide this input in a number of categories.
Experienced IELTS teachers, many from the British Council provide insights they have picked up over the years, and which have proven valuable in helping candidates succeed.

Shamblesguru's Live Twitter Stream

Fun Fonix
Fun Fonix
Phonics worksheets for kindergarten, first grade, and second grade teachers, free printable worksheets, printable phonics workbooks, and online phonics games for kids

ESL Kids Lessons – English for Children & Beginners
Free Video Slide Lessons, ESL Printables – Worksheets, Flashcards.
Phonics Materials, Songs, Stories, Vocabulary , Games and Ebooks.

ESL Tower - English Grammar & Vocabulary Portal
ESL, English Grammar,Vocabulary, Pronunciation Exercises,as Printable Worksheets and Self-study interactive Online Exercises for Teachers and Students.

ESL in Second Life (Blog)
ESL in Second Life (Blog)
ESL Lessons ... there may be a charge to attend lessons

ESL Kids Lab
ESL Kids Lab
Free ESL kids stuff,printable ESL Worksheets, Games for ESL Classrooms, Video Lessons, Quizzes,Powerpoint download for English teaching and learning

English Media Lab
English Media Lab
ESL Interactive Quizzes,ESL Power
Point videos, Free Online English Learning, Interactive listening, Survival English, Business English, Free ESL downloads. 180 Free Online English exercises for a start!

Create worksheets in seconds! Choose from 1000's of flash cards and insert them into your worksheets.
Worksheets include BINGO, true or false, matching, scrambled words and a dozen more!
It's quick & easy. Plus ESL & EFL jobs, forums, articles, books, games & holiday flashcards !

English as a Second Language Podcast
English as a Second Language Podcast
With English as a Second Language Podcast, you will improve your English by listening to native speakers talk and discuss topics of interest to you. You'll learn new idioms and expressions and learn to use them the way native speakers do. No more "textbook English"
ESL Podcast is brought to you free every Monday through Friday by the Center for Educational Development, in Los Angeles, California.

Hospital Teacher and Student Resources
FREE Resources for Teachers and Students. On-line listening, quizes and activities. Lesson plans for teachers, flash cards, health activities and more
FREE on-line materials for medical professionals studying English and resources for their teachers.
Vocabulary builders, patient counseling models, disease state directors, flash cards, lesson plans

English with Jokes
It's a great place for Spanish-speaking students who are learning English (EFL/ESL).
Here the students can improve their English by reading jokes and humorous stories.
All jokes have their vocabulary and verbs with translations to other languages (currently only in spanish).
The challenge is double. Students have to understand the reading and the sense of the joke!

ESL/TESOL Teaching Resources
Teacher resources including free ESL handouts and printables, educational news and a directory of teaching resources. Also provides access to questions from students and teaching forum topics.

ESF Storybooks
Our Children ESL storybooks for children are appropriate for children from age 6 to age 12 and have been developed in response to requests from organizations in several countries.
Each ESL storybook is accompanied by a Student Workbook and a Teacher Guide. They focus on children esl activities in each workbook varies in order to provide choices to teachers looking for material to meet the needs of their students.

Handouts Online: English Resources and EFL / ESL / TEFL Materials
The web's best source of printable handouts
and other resources for ESL / TEFL teachers.
TEFL worksheets | Telephone English | The Vocab Library | Get Qualified as a TEFL Teacher | Business English | Teaching Clinic |

EnglishBanana - free ESL worksheets

ESL Lounge
ESL Lounge
Free ESL lesson materials and ESL lesson plans. Printable worksheets for ESL classroom teaching. English grammar, pronunciation, board games, esl books, flashcards, board games, song lyrics and more

ESL Games - interactive
ESL Games ... for individuals and class use.
Many of these are online interactive games which are great motivators.
There are several hundred to choose from.

ESL - Songs
ESL - Songs

ESL : Raw Materials for Lessons
ESL : Raw Materials for Lessons

The ESL Cafe
Dave's ESL Cafe ..... lots&-lots-a-links .... highly recommended. .... this may be the only site you need!
