Free online books and study guides at Wikibooks
Free online books and study guides at Wikibooks, a collection of free, open-content textbooks that you can edit.
International Baccalaureate - IB Biology Study Guide - IB European History - IB Geography - IB Music

IB Bookshop
The IB Bookshop is based in the UK and is able to supply IB books from all over the world at very competitve prices.
We have developed a number of specialist areas within our Teacher's Showroom, notably for Common Entrance and Chinese Language Teaching, and have now opened the IB Bookshop.

Anagnosis Books
We publish books for the IB in History, Chemistry and Theory of Knowledge.
This includes "The Enterprise of Knowledge," the first text published
specifically for IB Theory of Knowledge, now in its second, revised edition.

Oxford University Press : IB Diploma Books for Subjects
Oxford University Press : IB Diploma Books for Subject Areas
"At Oxford we are dedicated to publishing for the IB Diploma programme and offer a range of titles, some of which have been developed in collaboration with the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO)".
You can request an I.B. catalogue on this page.

Implementing the IB Diploma
Implementing the IB Diploma: the official book support site
Implementing the IB Diploma Programme
a practical manual for principals, coordinators, heads of departments and teachers
Published by Cambridge University Press
The book is accompanied by our freely downloadable parents guide to the IB.

IBID Press (Australia)
IBID Press : Specialised Texts for use with the International Baccalaureate.
Biology | Chemistry | Computer Science | Economics | Environmental Systems | History | Mathematics | Philosopy | Physics | Theory of Knowledge | Examination Practice Papers |
