Shamblesguru's Live Twitter Stream

Leaf Mindcraft
Various Translators and Acorn Applications available for free download. Pricipally a BBC Basic to Acorn ANSI C Translator. Also GW-BASIC to BBC Basic and QBasic to BBC Basic Translators.
Some fractal programs, including Hyper Mandelbrot and Julia Fractal Generators. All written by Martin Carradus.

Some useful Acorn/RISC OS utilities & demos (Free)
Paul Vigay's Software Index
This is the main repository of all my Acorn/RISC OS software that I've written over the years.
Please note that ALL software on this site is designed for RISC OS computers. It will NOT run on Windows, Mac OS or any other operating system.

The Acorn Education website
Welcome to the Acorn Education website. The aim of this site is to establish a website for all education software for RISC OS machines, as well as (in part) for those who just wish to learn C and don't use a RISC OS machine (the shame!).
As it stands, there is quite a fair bit. The site covers languages (computer and human), maths and chemistry. Also there is my BSc thesis (entitled Nitrogen Triiodide - the study and stabilisation of an explosive) and my HNC project report on Chromium in Water. The BSc thesis has been entirely produced using Icon Technology's superb !TechWriter Pro v5.04 with the HNC report using Impression II from Computer Concepts with post production using TechWriterPro+ v6.05. The HTML version was produced using it and cleaned up with v1.39B9 of !Zap. The gifs were converted using !InterGif by Peter Hartley with the imagemaps produced using Computer Concept's ArtWorks, Acorn Computer's !Draw and Imagen by Justin Fletcher.

Association of Acorn User Groups
Since the early days of the BBC Model B, the concept of the computer club has been with us in the RISC OS scene.
As all the RISC OS user groups are working towards a common goal. In the past, very rarely did any of them contact each other! Neil Spellings set out on a venture to pull together all the individual groups around the world to promote communication and co-operation between them.

RISC OS Software
Acorn / RISC OS Software
I also maintain a comprehensive Acorn links page containing over 800 links to RISC OS PD & Shareware.

Things like .... Reset Impression / CDFaker / Nail (to make thumbnails) / Ptch Postscript /

Paul Vigay's new URL
Links to software resources and tutorials.

Some useful Acorn/RISC OS utilities & demos (Free)
Paul Vigay's Software Index
This is the main repository of all my Acorn/RISC OS software that I've written over the years.
Please note that ALL software on this site is designed for RISC OS computers. It will NOT run on Windows, Mac OS or any other operating system.

Octopus Systems
Not just an Acorn dealer but also a developer .... e.g. see their JAVA software.
