Wayback is an open source java implementation of the The Internet Archive Wayback Machine

Web archiving (at Wikipedia)
Web archiving
Web archiving is the process of collecting portions of the World Wide Web and ensuring the collection is preserved in an archive, such as an archive site, for future researchers, historians, and the public. Due to the massive size of the Web, web archivists typically employ web crawlers for automated collection.

UK Government Web Archive
UK Government Web Archive
The National Archives is preserving digital government information by regularly archiving UK central government websites. The archived sites are categorised below ....

UK Web Archive
UK Web Archive
Thousands of UK websites have been collected since 2004 and the Archive is growing fast.
Here you can see how sites have changed over time, locate information no longer available on the live Web and observe the unfolding history of a spectrum of UK activities represented online.
Sites that no longer exist elsewhere are found here and those yet to be archived can be saved for the future by nominating them.
The Archive contains sites that reflect the rich diversity of lives and interests throughout the UK. Search is by Title of Website, Full Text or URL, or browse by Subject, Special Collection or Alphabetical List.

Finding Old Web Pages
Finding Old Web Pages
The Web changes constantly, and sometimes that page that had just the information you needed yesterday (or last month or two years ago) is not available today. At other times you may want to see how a page's content or design has changed. There are several sources for finding Web pages as they used to exist.
While Google's cache is probably the best known, the others are important alternatives that may have pages not available at Google or the Wayback Machine plus they may have an archived page from a different date.
The table below notes the name of the service, the way to find the archived page, and some notes that should give some idea as to how old a page the archive may contain.

Internet Archive
The Internet Archive is building a digital library of Internet sites and other cultural artifacts in digital form. Like a paper library, we provide free access to researchers, historians, scholars, and the general public in accordance with our Terms of Use.
Try the 'WayBackMachine' ... The Wayback Machine makes it possible to surf pages stored in the Internet Archive's web archive. The Wayback Machine was unveiled on October 24th at Berkeley's Bancroft Library. Visit the Wayback Machine by entering a URL.
