IELTS Advantage
This site was set up to help IELTS students study at home for free.
The site is updated daily with hints and tips, full lessons and sample answers.

Shamblesguru's Live Twitter Stream

Idioms 4 You
Everything you always wanted to know about English Idioms including definitions, audio, scenarios, explanations, live real world examples and conjugations. New content added daily.

ESL Teaching Videos
Free teaching videos with straight vocabulary, question and answer, as well as a question only interactive version

Free ESL/EFL Listening Tests
Free listening tests, downloadable audio, matching worksheets, listening test makers; several different audio files and 7 different worksheets per heading. mix and match to create varying levels of difficulty.

English Idioms and Proverbs
Free resources for esl-efl students. Site provides many online aids : English grammar lessons and exercises, business English vocabulary, idioms, wordgames, crosswords, quizzes, links to radios and newspapers.

HungryForWords has created a new way to address the global hunger for language learning. Its eFlashcard educational service harnesses the powerful qualities of email and the Internet - efficient, instant highly personalized communications - to help people around the world learn new languages in a way that is free, simple and time-effective.
The eFlashcard service sends members a new word every day via email, along with its pronunciation, contextual sample sentences, and the ability to toggle between the user's native language and the language being learned. The concept is based on the proven learning technique of using flashcards to study and reinforce memory-intensive subjects such as new vocabulary.

English Daily
ESL resources for English learners

English learning centre
Study English on-line. Preparation for IELTS, TOEFL, FCE and TOEIC tests. Grammar, listening, writing and reading exercises.
ESL lessons for all levels of General English. Free samples and a free 3 day trial.

Software for Cambridge Examinations
This website provides information about software programs aimed to help students prepare for Cambridge EFL examinations. Demo versions can be downloaded.

IELTS help now
This new site provides extensive free assistance and cheap sample practice material for people taking the IELTS exam.

Interesting Things for ESL EAL Students
Interesting Things for ESL EAL Students
A fun study site for students of English as a Second Language - Word games, puzzles, quizzes, exercises, slang, proverbs and much more.

ESL/EFL Links from ESLGold
ESL - EFL Links from ESLGold
Speaking | Listening | Reading | Writing |
Grammar | Vocabulary | Business Communciation | TOEFL/TOEIC | Idioms |

Online Activities for ESL Students
Online Activities for ESL Students: from the Internet TESL Journal
There are over 1,000 quizzes, exercises and puzzles on the website to help you study English as a Second Language.
This project of The Internet TESL Journal has contributions by many teachers.
Even has bilingual quizes ... highly recommended and could save teachers time as well as be able to set homework assignments with this material.

English Street ... HK Website
Magazine / Speed Reading / Listening / Composition / Comprehension / Oral /

English as a Second Language
Welcome to the English as a Second Language site, which is a starting point for ESL learners who want to learn English through the Web. Many people have created ESL learning materials for the Web. This site links you to those good and free ESL places. The variety of materials will allow you to choose something appropriate for yourself.

Wall Street Institute, School of English - HK
Wall Street Institute, School of English is the world's leading English language institution with 350 Centres and over 1,000,000 successful students across the globe.

British Council: Learn English OnLine
This site has activities and advice for Kids (children aged 8 - 12 years), Teens (adolescents aged 13-19, thirteen to nineteen) and Adults.

HK TeleNex: Teachers of English Lang.Education
A project co-ordinated bu the University of Hong Kong... includes a "Teaching Ideas" database.... and conference software.

The National Literacy Trust
In the UK the "Year of Reading" started in Sept.'98 ... this site supports that initiative.

National Clearing House for ESL Literacy Education
