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Top Countries by Electricity Consumption per Capita
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GCSE Energy
Energy is covered comprehensively in a large selection of tutorials.
What is Energy? | Joules | Potential | Kinetic | Conduction | Convection | Radiation | Power | Watts | Kilowatt-hour |
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Think Energy Management LLC
An independent consulting company providing C & I accounts with Demand-Side and Supply-Side energy management solutions. In business since 1981. Experience in 25 of the 50 States in the U.S.
Some educational information is available for free
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Energy Chest
Welcome to Energy Chest, a treasure-trove of information and activities to support energy studies in UK schools.
Energy Chest has been developed for pupils aged 8-14 years and is divided into three modules:
Energy in Buildings | Energy and the Environment | Energy Sources |
The site includes basic information on energy and its use, curriculum activities, notes for teachers and a library of links to other energy and environmental sites.
Let Jules the robot take you through some tips on how energy is used and how to save it.
energy |
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Energy Sites to Visit on the Internet
Organizations, groups, companies or individuals in our links pages are for information only and are not an endorsement by the State of California or the California Energy Commission and its management or staff. For more information, please see our legal page.
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The Education Project Asia
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