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  Social Media

Social Media Guidelines for Your School
How to Create Social Media Guidelines for Your School
What would happen if social media were seen as a powerful tool rather than a threat to student learning? Schools and districts around the country are starting to put social media policies and guidelines in place to support this learning while taking appropriate precautions against misuse.
Download this guide for the seven steps -- and a roundup of valuable resources -- you need to help safely bring social media into your school or classroom.
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50 Powerful Statistics About Tech Mega Trends
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Shamblesguru's Live Twitter Stream
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The Teachers Guide to Social Media
The Teachers Guide to Social Media
In some schools, tablets and social networks are becoming primary classroom tools. Even digitally-versed teachers need to evolve with the language of their increasingly connected students.
Don't sweat it. Here, we've thrown together some basic guidelines teachers should follow when embracing technology in the classroom.
Are you an educator? Any dos or don'ts we missed? Teach us how you use social media in the comments section ...
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10 Surprising social media statistics
10 Surprising social media statistics that might make you rethink your social strategy.
If you’re managing social media for your business (school?), it might be useful to know about some of the most surprising social media statistics this year. Here are ten that might make you rethink the way you’re approaching social media.
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Vintage Social Media [Networking]
Vintage Social Media graphics
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Social Media Usage for the LWHS Community
Social Media Usage for the LWHS Community
Social Media Guidelines
The way we communicate with each other is an extension of our school’s values, creating an inclusive community with many voices. Since what we share has an impact, we ask you to maintain a respectful approach to sharing relevant content and comments.
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No Facebook or Twitter: Using social media [DEN Conf] #DENvirtcon
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Main Social Networks area on Shambles
Main Social Networks area on Shambles
Also see Shamblesguru's PLN: Personal Learning Network
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Social Networks & Social Media by numbers [ScoopIT Collection]
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Social Media Guidelines
Social Media Guidelines
I partnered with their Technology Facilitator Sam Walker and Melissa Edwards, a fellow District Instructional Technologist, to create an environment that embraced the use of social networking and social media, but also taught students how to live in that world.
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Social Learning
Social Learning: 21st Century AUPs Unblock The New Literacies
This white paper discusses the importance of integrating social learning into 21st century curriculum. You will also gain insight on how 21st century AUPs and emerging Web 2.0 technologies including granular social media controls enable a safe social learning environment.
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Shamblesguru 'Social Media' Video List on Youtube
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The Geosocial Universe In 2011 [Infographics]
Infographic: A Look At The Size And Shape Of The Geosocial Universe In 2011
The Geosocial Universe Version 2
View more presentations from JESS3
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Speaking Up in Class, Silently, Using Social Media
Speaking Up in Class, Silently, Using Social Media
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Social Media
Social Media
The advent of social media, which connects educators across their own states and around the world, has helped the education transformation movement gain momentum. From Facebook to Ning, Twitter, Flickr, YouTube, Symbaloo, Second Life and so on, educators are constantly faced with a stream of new platforms and the necessity to experiment with the value, versus the novelty, of participation.
IMAGINATION: Creating the Future of Education and Work
| The Culture of Games | Inside the “Virtual Cave” | Immersive Training Spaces | Worlds Disappearing | Hybrid Education | A Modern Classroom | Learning from Robots | Collapsing Time and Distance | Creating Avatars | A New Way to See | Social Media | Media Trend | Flip Thinking | The Cloud | Learning Experiments | Finding Epic Meaning | Focus on STEM | Charter Schools | Quest to Learn | Creativity & Agility | Empathy & Vision | The Future of Work | Beating the Talent Mismatch | Workflow | Creating Jobs | Here I Stand | The Economic Machine | Grants |
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The power of social media in the digital classroom
The power of social media in the digital classroom
"Social media platforms are web-based communication tools that 21st century teachers can use to convey information to students and parents, while also getting students to collaborate using the power of Web 2.0.
Social media, as indicated in the name, is social -- the Web 2.0 applications that make up social media promote sharing virtually any kind of information."
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Social Media on Wikipedia
Social Media on Wikipedia
"Social media are media for social interaction, using highly accessible and scalable communication techniques.
Social media is the use of web-based and mobile technologies to turn communication into interactive dialogue.
People gain information, education, news, etc., by electronic media and print media. Social media are distinct from industrial or traditional media, such as newspapers, television, and film.
They are relatively inexpensive and accessible to enable anyone (even private individuals) to publish or access information, compared to industrial media, which generally require significant resources to publish information.
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The Education Project Asia
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