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  Librarians BLOGS

Rambling Librarian : BLOG : Singapore
Rambling Librarian : Incidental Thoughts of a Singapore Liblogarian
Have been working for the National Library Board since 1996. My passion is in Public Librarianship. Main professional interest is in library services for People with Disabilities.
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List of Librarian Weblogs (BLOGS) at ODP
List of Library and Information Science Weblogs (BLOGS) at the Open Directory Project dmoz
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technogeekery for librarians : BLOG
technogeekery for librarians : BLOG
Technogeekery is any form of hardware or software which is used by technology geeks. This blog is for librarians and is an attempt to see how all that stuff fits in with all our stuff.
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Free Range Librarian : BLOG
Free Range Librarian : BLOG
Free Range Librarian comprises the public, oft-daily mumblings and grumblings of one Karen G. Schneider, a writer and librarian who has written over 100 articles and 2 books, primarily about Internet technologies for library trade publications.
Her less technically-oriented works include essays, portraits, travelogues, video reviews, and a historically dubious account of Washington crossing the Delaware.
From 1995 to 2001, as the Internet Librarian columnist for American Libraries (circulation 65,000), Schneider consistently ranked in magazine surveys as AL's most popular author.
By day, Schneider is a drudge who meekly toils in the shadow of six brilliant librarians who select, evaluate, describe, and organize websites for the well-regarded Librarians? Index to the Internet, http://lii.org, a publicly-funded portal/announcement service focused toward librarians and lifelong learners.
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The Shifted Librarian : BLOG
The Shifted Librarian : BLOG
"My name is Jenny, and I'll be your information maven today." That's the first thing you see on Jenny Levine's well-known web log, "The Shifted Librarian."
But she didn't create her blog for the glory. Levine has one simple goal: to help us librarians become as technologically adept as our users are so that we can deliver services to them when and where they wish to use them and in their preferred medium and platform.
On her blog, Levine regularly posts information about "cool tools," along with comments about how librarians could use them in their daily tasks. Her blog also links to her Power Point presentation explaining the "shifted librarian" concept.
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