Virtual Outworlding : VW Blog
Virtual Outworlding
VW Blog

Edorble Blog
Worlds Beyond Studios is on a mission to make online learning more personal, playful, and powerful. We are an international team of educators, developers, and artists and we are excited to be working at the intersection of education, games, and virtual reality.
Our first product, Edorble, is an online virtual world for your classroom.

Why Virtual Worlds Have More Value Than Twitter
Why Virtual Worlds (like Second Life) Have More Value Than Twitter & Facebook

Nalates Things and Stuff Blog
Oh geez… I’m an AV from Uru Live, my first MMO and virtual world experience. I was in MO:UL, Myst Online: Uru Live, the 2007-2008 reincarnation of Uru Live. When GameTap dropped the MMO verion of the game I moved to Second Life as a D’ni Refugee.

Chapter and Metaverse
Chapter and Metaverse
I enjoy the social virtual worlds such as Second Life, where my avatars are known as Rock Ryder (business) and Rock Vacirca (social) and OpenSim/OSGrid (Rock Vacirca).
I am involved in beta testing the Blue Mars virtual world, again, as Rock Vacirca.

Hypergrid Business
Hypergrid Business
Here at Hypergrid Business, we write a lot about the Second Life-OpenSim-realXtend ecosystem. We love the low cost, the flexibility, and the massive amounts of content available for this platform. But...
