Offline reader [Wikipedia]
An offline reader (sometimes called an offline browser or offline navigator) is computer software that downloads e-mail, newsgroup posts or web pages, making them available when the computer is offline: not connected to the Internet.

SurfOffline 2.0 - Offline browser
SurfOffline 2.0 - Offline browser
If you need to download a website, use the offline browser SurfOffline.
We offer you a free 30-day trial period to test SurfOffline.
The software allows you to download entire websites and download web pages to your local hard drive.

Local Website Archive
Local Website Archive offers a fast and easy way to store information from the web on your hard disk. Archived web pages and documents are stored in their original file format and can also be opened with associated applications or found by desktop search engines.
Local Website Archive can be used as WebSite-Watcher add-on or as stand alone program without WebSite-Watcher.

Browser to PowerPoint
How To Turn Your Web Browser Into A Powerful Offline Sales Presentation Tool
How do I copy my Web site into a PowerPoint presentation so I don't have to go online to show it during meetings with prospects and clients?
I have good news for you. You can easily turn your Web site, or any other for that matter, into a powerful and fast offline presentation. You don't need to "copy" your Web site, buy any software, or even use PowerPoint. There is a much easier and free way to demonstrate your site offline!

Offline browsing : topic at Wikipedia
Offline browsing : topic at Wikipedia

Offline Browsing : List at Tucows
Offline Browsing : Software List at Tucows
Shareware and Freeware list of software to download ... with ratings and info

BackStreet Browser - Free WebSite Downloader
BackStreet Browser 3.1 - Free Offline Browser and WebSite Downloader
A free, powerful offline browser. A high-speed, multi-threading website download and viewing program.
By making multiple simultaneous server requests, BackStreet Browser can quickly download entire website or part of a site including HTML, graphics, Java Applets, sound and other user definable files, and saves all the files in your hard drive, either in their native format, or as a compressed ZIP file and view offline.

Webcopier .. for windows and mac
Webcopier .. for windows and mac
Use this powerful offline browser to record websites and store them locally until you are ready to view them.
Free 15 day trial

Webaroo : Offline Web Browser (free software)
Webaroo : Offline Web Browser
Create a searchable database of saved pages for offline use and searching. Also mobile web features.
Webaroo is a free software program and service that lets you search and browse real web pages without a connection. Webaroo's advanced technology makes it simple for you to take the web with you -- and find what you are looking for anywhere, anytime.
It's easy -- Webaroo stores searchable web content on your laptop, PDA or smart phone.
By extracting and caching the best subset of the web, Webaroo makes the web portable. It puts the best of the web content in your pocket and gives you the freedom to use the web offline.

HTTrack Website Copier - Offline Browser (free)
HTTrack Website Copier - Offline Browser
HTTrack is a free (GPL, libre/free software) and easy-to-use offline browser utility.
It allows you to download a World Wide Web site from the Internet to a local directory, building recursively all directories, getting HTML, images, and other files from the server to your computer.
HTTrack arranges the original site's relative link-structure. Simply open a page of the "mirrored" website in your browser, and you can browse the site from link to link, as if you were viewing it online.
HTTrack can also update an existing mirrored site, and resume interrupted downloads. HTTrack is fully configurable, and has an integrated help system.
