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  Jibe + Unity3D

Shamblesguru's Live Twitter Stream
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The Jibe platform on ReactionGrid's website
The Jibe platform on ReactionGrid's website
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3Di to launch free Unity-based world
3Di to launch free Unity-based world
According to 3Di senior manager Norman Lin, individuals and groups will be able to embed a window into their private virtual world right onto their websites, like they can now embed YouTube videos.
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Jibe/Unity: School Quick Start Guide
Jibe/Unity: School Quick Start Guide
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5-minute Video Tutorials on Jibe and Unity3d
5-minute Video Tutorials on Jibe and Unity3d
I’ve written a bunch of tutorials and general articles on how to use Jibe and Unity3d. Many people have told me they have found these articles helpful. Thank you again for the feedback.
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Get your very own virtual world kit
Get your very own virtual world kit from ReactionGrid Inc.
Jibe virtual world kit. Own your virtual world. Host it yourself. Integrate with your existing website or user store.
Get your very own virtual world kit from ReactionGrid Inc.
Jibe virtual world kit. Own your virtual world. Host it yourself. Integrate with your existing website or user store.
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Jibe Android - First Glimpse
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Jibe virtual world kit
Jibe virtual world kit
Own your virtual world. Host it yourself. Integrate with your existing website or user store.
ReactionGrid Inc. would like to invite virtual world enthusiasts to check out our Jibe virtual world kit. Jibe can be embedded into your website, CMS, LMS, Facebook page and more
30 day trial of Jibe
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Flying Avatars and Space Shuttle Orbiter in Jibe
Flying Avatars and Space Shuttle Orbiter in Jibe
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What is Jibe?
What is Jibe?
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Jibe and Unity3d Google Group
Jibe and Unity3d Google Group
This group is for people interested in learning more about how to develop virtual worlds using Unity3d and Jibe.
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