Policies on ICT in Education in Nepal
Policies on ICT in Education in Nepal
With technical support from UNESCO Bangkok and UNESCO Kathmandu, a four-day ICT in Education Master Plan preparation workshop was conducted in Kathmandu in 2010. The workshop provided an opportunity to the participants to familiarize themselves with the process and steps of preparing a Master Plan.
This Master Plan includes four major components: ICT infrastructure including internet connectivity, human resources, content development and system enhancement, in line with the four pillars of ICT in Education.
The Master Plan covers five sub-sectors of education, namely, School Education, Higher Education, Teacher Education and Training, and Continuing Education and Life-long Learning, and additionally Governance and Management in Education. Similarly, the plan mentions the overall institutional arrangement to implement this plan and identifies the monitoring and evaluation process of the plan.

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ASEAN ICT Masterplan 2015
ASEAN ICT Masterplan 2015

Asia Pacific Ministerial Forum on ICT in Education
Asia Pacific Ministerial Forum on ICT in Education
The Asia-Pacific Ministerial Forum on ICT in Education (AMFIE) was designed as an annual platform for policy level knowledge exchange and dialogue, showcasing a number of promising models and experiences in developing, adapting and/or monitoring ICT in Education policies and practices in countries at different development levels.
This brief report analyses the responses of AMFIE 2012 attendees to surveys immediately prior to and at the conclusion of the forum. It sums up the three major themes emerged across the sessions and discussions as "ICT-in-Education as a means to reduce societal inequities"

European Schoolnet
European Schoolnet is an international partnership of 26 European Ministries of Education developing learning for schools, teachers and pupils across Europe.

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