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Student Technology Use Research
Newtown Middle School
Student Technology Use Research
Since 2006 a sample of 7th & 8th grade students have taken a technology use survey. The results can be viewed below. The survey was administered in the Spring each year in the computer lab under the direction of Mr. McNulty, the Computer Applications teacher. Sample group sizes varied from approximately 50-150 from each grade level.
Course Overview | Student Technology Use | Student Typing Speeds | Articles | Calendar | 7th Grade PowerPoint Shows | NMS Mosaic Project | Online Collaboration Projects | 7th Grade Peer Surveys | Today in Computer Class |

MS Tech: Technology and Education (Bangkok)
Ruamrudee International School (Bangkok): Middle School (MS) Tech Blog: Technology and Education

TechTeach. Darren Murphys Technology Blog (Philippines)
TechTeach. Darren Murphy’s Technology Blog (Philippines)
This is the Blog of Darren Murphy, the ICT Coordinator at International School Manila
(Elementary School). TechTeach is the Blog for teachers with an interest in Technology and Learning.
Here you will find a variety of Educational links, relevant to the current thinking on the use of ICT in schools, as well as links to my interests in gadgets and gizmos.
Here futurists can examine the implications of IT on Education and consider the future for teaching and learning in a technological world!
