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5 Fake Facebook templates
5 Fake Facebook templates and pages for student projects
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Facebook and Classroom Community
Facebook and Classroom Community
Although it is unclear at this time whether the use of Fb is linked to improved student performance, I hope others will see the value of using Fb as described here.
It is definitely not for everyone -- you must be committed (especially time-wise) to using it. But knowing that you and your hundreds of students are finally seeing eye-to-eye is worth the effort!
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Fake Facebook
Fake Facebook
Use "Fakebook" to chart the plot of a book, the development of a character, a series of historical events, the debates and relationships between people, and so on!
Get started by entering a name at the top of the page. Then proceed to add friends, posts, comments and profile information.
You can save your work and edit it again later.
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Facebook launches 'groups for schools'
Facebook launches 'groups for schools'
'Groups for schools' creates a virtual venue for collegiate collaboration, letting students and faculty members share un-copyrighted files within the groups created for their sports teams, clubs and even individual classes.
There is a file limit of 25MB in play, so consider those dreams of sharing videos and zipped up apps crushed -- you'll also need to provide a .edu address that matches the school before Facebook grants you admission.
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Museum of Me: Visualize your Facebook network.
The Museum of Me: Visualize your Facebook network.
So clever and well done ... recommended
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5 Best Practices for Educators on Facebook
5 Best Practices for Educators on Facebook
“Students are already very familiar with the platform and spend a lot of time on the site,” Junco says. “Because of this, there is usually a good amount of activity [in class related Facebook discussions] because students receive notifications of new group posts in a timely fashion (something that doesn’t happen with Learning Management Systems).”
Here are tips from Junco and other teachers on how to effectively use Facebook in the classroom.
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Facebook & Twitter Guides for Educators
Facebook & Twitter Guides for Educators
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Pagemodo :
A super easy and free way to set up a ‘Welcome’ tab on your Facebook business page.
Enhance your fanpage with beautiful custom tabs using our fully customizable professional templates.
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Teacher Professional Conduct on Facebook
Teacher Professional Conduct on Facebook
A newly-qualified secondary school teacher published her holiday photos on her Facebook page. They included pictures of her sunbathing and drinking with friends in a bar. She had set her Facebook profile to ‘public' and one of her students found her profile and viewed the photos.
The student passed the link on to their friends and soon, a number of students had seen the pictures. A parent also saw them and contacted the school to complain about them being inappropriate.
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Facebooks Journey From Founding to IPO
Facebook’s Journey From Founding to IPO [INFOGRAPHIC]
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HOW TO: Set Up a Facebook Page
HOW TO: Set Up a Facebook Page
There are 500 million active users on Facebook — it’s about time you get in on the action and start a Facebook Page for your business ... or School.
This is about setting up interest [Fan?] pages once you have an account.
Recommended article.
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Facebook for Educators (pdf)
Facebook for Educators (pdf)
“As educators and parents work to learn more about the ways in which social networking sites, like Facebook, can be a catalyst for learning in the classroom, teachers can still use its power of relevance to create meaningful experiences in the classroom."
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Design and Program a Facebook Landing Page
HOW TO: Design & Program a Facebook Landing Page for Your Business
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Facts About Facebook ... Infographics
Facts About Facebook ... Infographics
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Ways to Customise Your Facebook Profile Picture
Ways to Customise Your Facebook Profile Picture
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Using Facebook in the Classroom
Using Facebook in the Classroom
Whether it is Facebook, MSN Messenger, Bebo, iChat, Skype, YouTube or any other form of social networking - we know our young people are, and will be, using it.
So, before we can fully embrace social media in the classroom, we need a few simple Dos and Don'ts and some common sense ...
This page would be useful if you are writing an AUP for Facebook in a school.
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Facebook : Infographics
Facebook : Infographics
Are We Too Obsessed With Facebook?
Here, in a visual nutshell, are some highlights about Facebook usage, 2010 trends, adoption numbers and a great deal more.
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Your teacher has now joined Facebook
Your teacher has now joined Facebook
For children e-mail is "something your dad does" and their search engine of choice is as likely to be YouTube as Google.
But with many of the disruptive technologies that drip-feed children in their leisure hours banned within school buildings, what hope do teachers have of engaging their tech-savvy pupils?
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Facebook as a Professional Learning Network (PLN)
Facebook as a Professional Learning Network (PLN)
Facebook as a PLN. I’ve been using my Facebook page as a PLN almost exclusively since I started using Facebook. I didn’t set out to do this, it just happened that way. Yet here I am, again, in media res. It seems I always start in the moment, in the middle of things. Well, this time it would be helpful if I gave you some background.
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Facebooks 500 Million Members [INFOGRAPHIC]
Facebook’s 500 Million Members [INFOGRAPHIC]
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Creative Uses of the New Facebook Profile
Creative Uses of the New Facebook Profile
We had so much fun pulling together the gallery of new Facebook profile photo hacks (not to mention a great reader response), we decided to follow up the original collection with 10 more creations.
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Simple Ways to Create Custom Facebook Landing Tabs
5 Staggeringly Simple Ways to Create Custom Facebook Landing Tabs
With the exception of baking the “like” button into your website, the best way to generate new fans on Facebook is to create a custom landing tab. This means when visitors come to your Facebook page for the first time, they see a customized tabbed page, not your Wall.
For BrandGlue clients, using a custom landing tab increases conversion rate by 100% or more in almost every case.
The best news about custom landing tabs is that they are easy and inexpensive to create. Here are 5 options for creating a custom landing tab on Facebook:
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Discussion Paper: In Defence of Facebook
Discussion Paper: In Defence of Facebook
It appears that some individuals and groups are promoting the banning or restricting of student and staff access to Facebook and other Web 2.0 social media in the Tasmanian Polytechnic.
Student access to Facebook and some other Web 2.0 sites have already been restricted on some campuses and denying staff access to Facebook during most of the working day is apparently being considered.
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6 Reasons I Hate Facebook
6 Reasons I Hate Facebook
Despite being so useful at times, Facebook also suffers from its own breed of drawbacks. Here’s my own personal list of Facebook frustrations.
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Schools on Facebook ... list on Shambles
Schools on Facebook ... list on Shambles
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Diigo Group : Facebook in Education
Diigo Group : Facebook in Education
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Facebook in the Elementary School Classroom [Prezi]
Using Facebook in the Elementary School Classroom [Prezi]
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Should teachers be on Facebook?
Should teachers be on Facebook?
f you read this article on Yahoo! Shine, you’ll question whether teachers should ever put themselves in this position with their students. The article has some whopping examples of teachers who were cluelessly inappropriate with student “friends.”
On the other hand, maybe it helps call out creepers we wouldn’t otherwise know about.
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Using Facebook to connect parents with children in classrooms
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Teachers Using Facebook Groups to Connect With Parents
Teachers Using Facebook Groups to Connect With Parents
When it comes to classroom management and keeping parents informed, a lot of teachers are now using Facebook Group as an effective tool for classroom management. In the past they might have sent home a flyer with students', but it usually got lost or vanished in thin air.
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Using Facebook to Connect With Students & Parents
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Teachers, students and Facebook, a toxic mix
Teachers, students and Facebook, a toxic mix
The headlines conjure up every parent's nightmare: "Teachers fired for flirting on Facebook with students."
The New York Post reported that three New York City teachers are accused of inappropriate "friending" -- and worse.
One teacher left comments like, "This is sexy," under girls' pictures, school officials told the paper.
Others made lewder comments, and some even used Facebook to initiate real-life relationships with students, it said. All three have been fired.
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8 Real Ways Facebook Enriched First Grade
8 Real Ways Facebook Enriched Ms. Schoening’s First Grade Class
This was a presentation from a first grade teacher named Erin Schoening who was using Facebook with her students, their families, and other targeted members in the school community.
Here are some ways this teacher used Facebook to enrich teaching, learning, and connecting with families.
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Facebook in Education
Facebook in Education
A Facebook Page for information about how educators can best use Facebook.
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Shamblesguru 'Facebook' video picks on YouTube
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100 Ways You Should Be Using Facebook in Your Classroom
100 Ways You Should Be Using Facebook in Your Classroom
Facebook isn’t just a great way for you to find old friends or learn about what’s happening this weekend, it is also an incredible learning tool.
Teachers can utilize Facebook for class projects, for enhancing communication, and for engaging students in a manner that might not be entirely possible in traditional classroom settings.
Read on to learn how you can be using Facebook in your classroom, no matter if you are a professor, student, working online, or showing up in person for class.
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Why Teachers Should 'Friend' Students Online
Why Teachers Should 'Friend' Students Online
This week, an educator friend (Georgia) of mine tweeted that he was being told to 'unfriend' many of his Facebook friends...because they are students.
As I responded, another IT educator friend (Texas) of mine said someone from ChildSafe (no link ever for them) made a statement that teachers 'friending' students was "stepping over the line." The implication was that pedophiles and molesters go to where children are, and teachers should not make online relationships with students for fear that they might be considered child molesters.
Yesterday, another educator friend (Nevada) of mine tweeted that his child's friends were 'friending' him on Facebook, and the 'kids' thought it was cool.
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Just how bad is Facebook for you?
Just how bad is Facebook for you?
BBC Regular columnist Bill Thompson probes media reports that Facebook usage affects grades
Social networking scare stories are becoming increasingly popular, perhaps because the internet remains strange and mysterious despite its popularity while the long term impact of the network on our society is only just becoming apparent.
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Facebook for Parents
Facebook for Parents
To help kids reach their potential, parents today must know about Facebook. That’s the purpose of this site and related materials, including our new book.
Parents worry about the safety of their loved ones. That’s natural. But there’s a bright side to Facebook that parents should not overlook. Today’s youth can learn important skills by using Facebook in the right way. We’ve identified five skills areas kids can learn on Facebook.
These skills are vital for their future success ...
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Facebook Getting Started Guide for Bloggers
Facebook "Getting Started Guide" for Bloggers
How to add a 'Blog' tab on your Facebook page.
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Follow Facebook on Twitter
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Facebook : Wikipedia Page
Facebook : Wikipedia Page
Facebook is a social networking website launched in February 2004 that is operated and privately owned by Facebook, Inc., with more than 500 million[6] active users in July 2010.
Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg with his college roommates and fellow computer science students Eduardo Saverin, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes.
The website's membership was initially limited by the founders to Harvard students, but was expanded to other colleges in the Boston area, the Ivy League, and Stanford University. It gradually added support for students at various other universities before opening to high school students, and, finally, to anyone aged 13 and over.
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Facebook : online social network
Facebook is a social networking website — a gathering spot, to connect with your friends and with your friends friends.
Facebook allows you to make new connections who share a common interest, expanding your personal network.
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