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  Edtech Groups [CPD]

Assoc. for the Advancement of Computing in Educ. (USA)
Assoc. for the Advancement of Computing in Educ. (USA)
The Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), founded in 1981, is an international, not-for-profit, educational organization with the mission of advancing Information Technology in Education and E-Learning research, development, learning, and its practical application.
AACE serves the profession with international conferences, high quality publications, leading-edge Digital Library, Career Center, and other opportunities for professional growth.
Its members, conference participants, and journal readers include researchers, developers, professors, trainers, administrators, directors, evaluators, graduate students, policy decision-makers, trainers, adult educators, practitioners, and other specialists in education, industry, and government with an interest in advancing knowledge and learning with Information Technology in Education and E-Learning.
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Assoc. for Educ. Communications and Tech. AECT (USA)
Association for Educational Communications and Technology AECT (USA)
The Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) is a professional association of thousands of educators and others whose activities are directed toward improving instruction through technology. AECT members may be found in colleges and universities; in the Armed Forces and industry; in museums, libraries, and hospitals; in the many places where educational change is underway.
AECT members carry out a wide range of responsibilities in the study, planning, application, and production of communications media for instruction.
The Association has become a major organization for those actively involved in the designing of instruction and a systematic approach to learning.
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British Computer Society Schools' Committee : BCS
British Computer Society Schools' Committee : BCS
BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT champions the global IT profession and the interests of individuals engaged in that profession for the benefit of all.
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Consortium for Sch. Networking : COSN (USA)
Consortium for Sch. Networking (COSN)(USA)
The Consortium for School Networking (CoSN) is the premier professional association for district technology leaders.
For over two decades, CoSN has provided leaders with the management, community building, and advocacy tools essential for success. Today, the CoSN community represents nine million students in school districts nationwide and continues to grow as a powerful and influential voice in K-12 education.
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Naace is the ICT association. We are a community of educators, technologists and policy makers who share a vision for the role of technology in advancing education.
Our members include teachers, school leaders, advisors and consultants working within and across all phases of UK education.
As a professional association, we represent the voice of the UK education technology community in the schools sector at a national and international level, as well as supporting one another across the sector through conferences, courses and the dissemination of resources, research and reflection.
We play a key role in both members’ professional development, through the challenge and support of a community of practice, and the development of the profession as a whole, through the sharing of innovation and expertise.
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