Number Farm
Interactive games and printable dot-to-dot puzzles to help develop young learners skills within counting and numeracy.

Board Game : Telling the Time
Board Game : Telling the Time
Player rolls the dice and moves forward to land on a clock. The player must read the time. If the time is incorrectly read, the move is canceled. Play continues until all players have reached the end.

Math Baseball
Math Baseball - FUNBRAIN will give you a math problem. Enter the answer to the problem and hit the [Swing] button. If your answer is correct, you will get a hit. FUNBRAIN will decide if the hit is a single, double, triple, or home run based on the difficulty of the problem. If your answer is wrong, you will get an out.

Syvum : Numeracy
Syvum Math Activities Online for Kids - | Kids Math SyvumBook | Brain Teasers and Math Puzzles | Math Quizzes | Trigonometry Learning Activities |

Primary Games
Primary Games - |Dot's Checkers | Even & Odd | Simon Says | Pizza Party | Shape Sorter | Squigly's Apples | Pattern Mania | What Time Is It? | Two Minute Warning | Take It Away | Add 'em Up | Spending Spree | The Number Game |

Magnetic Numbers
Snaith Primary School (UK) - Magnetic Numbers try to make a sentence from these numbers. Just click on them, then drag. Other games on this site include | Magnetic Place Value Board | Number Sentences |
