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  Photo: Photo'ers

Marc Schultz Photography Blog Thailand
Marc Schultz Photography Blog Thailand
Welcome to my photography blog. I have been working as a full time commercial photographer since 1999 on assignments throughout Thailand, Asia, and the Middle East.
The main reason for having this blog is that I want a place to cover subjects involved with my commercial photography work (which isn’t always directly related to photography in Thailand), whilst also offering people an opportunity to comment and ask me questions about the subjects I am discussing.
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Ansel Adams
Ansel Adams
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William Ropp Photographer
William Ropp's work is visible in many prestigious public collections
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Showcasing the work of European and International photographers.
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Carleton Watkins
"Carleton Watkins: The Art of Perception" unveils striking landscape photographs taken by this famous nineteenth-century American artist (1829 -1916). It includes his best-known studies of Yosemite & other celebrated works from California, Washing ton, & Oregon. (NGA)
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Alfred Stieglitz: New Perspectives
"Alfred Stieglitz: New Perspectives" is a multi-faceted project which includes the Gallery's 1983 book, "Alfred Stieglitz: Photographs & Writings" & a series of presentations. The multi- year project will culminate in the publication of a scholarly catalogue of the Gallery's collection of Stieglitz photographs & an exhibition of the art of this seminal American photographer. (NGA)
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David Baldwin Night Photography
An architectural photographer that specialises in night photography. Lots of useful tips and links to other sites to do with Night Photography.
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Masters of Photography
Articles, photos, resources on ... Ansel Adams / Cartier-Bresson / Muybridge / Steichen / Edward Weston / Lange ..... plus several others.....
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