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Professional Photographer magazine
Professional Photographer magazine
For 95 years, Professional Photographer magazine has helped readers advance careers in the photographic industry. Each issue contains practical yet cutting edge lessons for both the business and artistic sides of professional photography. Industry experts regularly cover the latest photographic and digital imaging equipment, provide imaging company updates, and offer business management tips. Profiles of noteworthy photographers also appear frequently, as well as information on upcoming industry special events.

Professional Photographer magazine
Professional Photographer magazine
Times change, and so do the needs of photographers.
For this reason, Professional Photographers of America (PPA) has decided to suspend publication of PEI magazine at the end of 2004, simultaneously increasing and broadening the level of digital imaging content in Professional Photographer magazine.
We have elected
to keep open and operating over the next few months because we know so many of our readers download tutorials and articles from it.

Black and White World
Black and White World

Apogee : The Internets Photography Magazine
Apogee : The Internets Photography Magazine
A FREE online magazine designed to inform and entertain photographers
of all ages and levels.
