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Egyptian mathematics
Egyptian mathematics
For many centuries, ancient Egypt was seen as the source of wisdom and knowledge, about mathematics as well as other things. There was a long classical Greek tradition to this effect, and in later centuries...
Open University (UK)

Babylonian mathematics
Babylonian mathematics
This unit looks at Babylonian mathematics.
You will learn how a series of discoveries have enabled historians to decipher stone tablets and study the various techniques the Babylonians used for problem-solving...
Open University (UK)

Cornell University Library Digital Collections : Online
Cornell University Library Digital Collections
Distributed Digital Math Monographs | Historic Math Book Collection | Zentralblatt MATH Database | History of Mathematics | Maths |

History of Mathematics : Links
History of Mathematics : a list of links at University of St.Andrews, Scotland

The British Society for the History of Mathematics
The British Society for the History of Mathematics
The aims of the British Society for the History of Mathematics are to promote research into the history of mathematics and its use at all levels of mathematics education. It does this through meetings, a newsletter and by other means. The BSHM takes in all periods and civilisations, and all aspects of mathematics, both pure and applied.

History Of Mathematics at the Math Archives
History Of Mathematics at the Math Archives ... impressive list of links

History of Mathematics archives
History of Mathematics archives
