Using Twitter in Maths
Using Twitter in Maths
I got a phone call from a teacher in the Maths department on Friday saying that their class had been studying direction and their latest piece of work involved making a direction treasure hunt around the school. The class had asked if I would be available to follow their clues and to find the treasure. As this seemed like a lot more fun than looking through some attendance statistics, I agreed!
What transpired has to be one of the most innovative, collaborative, off-the-cuff lessons that I have ever taken part in!

Web 2.0 tools in the mathematics classroom (inc Twitter)

Main Twitter Area on Shambles
Main Twitter Area on Shambles . for teaching and learning.

I Tweet Maths
I Tweet Maths
How to Use Twitter to Find Great Maths Resources and Ideas
Some of the people I follow on Twitter are Alex Bellos, the author of Alex’s Adventures in Numberland, Stand up Maths, a comedian who performs maths shows and Maria Droujikova, a homeschooling maths professor and educational consultant.
Their tweets and the links they tweet, educate me, provide blog post ideas and food for thought on everything mathematical and maths education in general.

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