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Singapore Maths
Singapore Math
Singapore students were in first place in the 1995, 1999 and 2003 TIMSS. TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study) is designed to measure trends in students’ mathematics and science achievement in four-year cycles. The TIMSS 2003 results were released on December 14, 2004.
Singapore students who took TIMSS in 1995, 1999 and 2003 were using the Primary Mathematics series. The results speak for themselves about the Primary Mathematics series.
Our list of K-12 Mathematics and other educational material from Singapore is suitable for classroom, home-school and enrichment (supplementary) settings.

Preparing for an upcoming Math(s) textbook adoption?
Preparing for an upcoming Math(s) textbook adoption?
Check out these links for a few tips on developing selection criteria that reflect your district? needs and address such topics as mathematics content, assessment, teaching practices, and student learning.

Easiteach Maths
Easiteach Maths
Launched in September 2000, Easiteach Maths is a subscription based interactive, whole-class teaching resource for schools. It provides powerful teaching tools - including pre-prepared lesson plans and teaching materials - that exploit interactive whiteboards. REPP is the publisher of the leading mathematics schemes used in UK primary schools. The alliance brings together the teaching and learning content of REPP's widely used maths schemes with the power and versatility of Easiteach.
Easiteach Maths combines a Teaching Tool full of familiar Maths resources - such as number lines, number grids and place value cards - with a collection of ready-made teaching Activities to help teachers deliver the Maths lesson.
Easiteach Maths combines a Teaching Tool full of familiar Maths resources - such as number lines, number grids and place value cards - with a collection of ready-made teaching Activities to help teachers deliver the Maths lesson.
Reed Educational and Professional Publishing | RM | IWB |

Everyday Mathematics
The UCSMP Everyday Mathematics Center is an NSF-funded center established to support educators, parents and students who are using, or will soon be using, Everyday Mathematics.
Everyday Mathematics is a comprehensive pre-kindergarten through 6th grade mathematics curriculum developed by the University of Chicago School Mathematics Project, and published by Wright GroupMcGraw-Hill.
Over 175,000 classrooms and 2.8 million students are currently using EM, and it is being adopted by a steadily increasing number of schools each year. This web site has been created as a resource for this growing number of EM users.

Harcourt Math (Maths) (USA)
Experience online activities and math models, teacher and parent resources, the Harcourt Multimedia Math Glossary, and other features correlated to Harcourt Math.
Harcourt Math users: Click the books, sign in, and enjoy the resources on this award-winning web site.
All others: To preview some of the Harcourt Math web resources, click the preview button.
Maths | Math | Scheme | Schemes |

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