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The Flipped Classroom for Numeracy
The Flipped Classroom for Numeracy

The Number Gym
This free website is committed to the creation of excellent numeracy software. This first ICT offering is designed to develop basic numeracy skills.
Intended for use in schools and at home, these fun activities will increase a child's mental arithmetic abilities leading to a greater confidence in tackling future mathematical tasks.
The emphasis is on active participation rather than passive viewing of Flash presentations. These activities are particularly suitable for use with Interactive Whiteboards.

Numeracy and literacy sites from Scotland
Numeracy and literacy sites from Scotland
The numeracy area supports students, teachers, schools, authorities and parents in working to improve numeracy. It makes available resources, case studies, reports, research papers and links to educational websites. It also provides information about new initiatives and events to support improvement in numeracy.

Maths Resources Primary (UK)
Lots of online help ...
Maths words | Speed Circle | numeracy | Checkout Challenge | "Keep them busy" | Brain Teasers | Miscellaneous activities and ideas | Sixty Second Maths | Mental and Oral Activity Ideas | Odd and Even / Pop Corn | Mental Maths SATs style test generator (XLS) | Excel | KS2 Mental Maths Test | Numeracy Plan (student) | Year 5 Revision Test | Mock KS1 Sats | Numeracy Weekly Planning Grid | Self Marking Activities (Excel Spreadsheets) |
