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Noetic Learning
Kids learn and practice math at Noetic Learning. Free math worksheets, speedy math, interactive math workbook, individualized math program, summmer program.

Mr Barton Maths
Mr Barton Maths
A site with free resources and advice for helping your high school child enjoy (more) and be (more) successful with their maths at home.

Let's Do Math - Activities Acive for Parents
Math is a very important part of life. We use math to set an alarm clock, buy groceries, keep score or time at a game, wallpaper a room, or wrap a present. We all need math in the world of computers and electronic communication. It is important to encourage children to think of themselves as mathematicians who can reason and solve problems.

Figure This
Maths Challenges for Families

Helping Your Child Learn Math"
" features dozens of fun activities parents can use to help children (K-5th grade) have fun learning geometry, algebra, measurement, statistics, probability & other important mathematical concepts. Activities relate math to everyday life & can be done at home, at the grocery store, or while traveling. It includes sections for parents on what math is like in schools today & a parents' booklist for helping children learn math.
