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Blocky : Logo Programming Simulation
Blocky ... uses program building blocks tomove a turtle around the screen .. might be helpful to use before going the Scratch

This project presents a new version of LOGO programming language developed at MIT by Seymour Papert. This software was developed by me using Java and Java 3D.

MSWLogo (free)
MSWLogo (free software to download)
There are also lots of examples and case studies where this software has been used in education ... recommended
Other languages (other than English) are available ... German, Portugese, Japanese, French .. great resource to help language teachers to work cross-curriculum.

XLogo : Logo for Mac OS X
XLogo : Logo learning and drawing application built for Mac OS X
LOGO is a dialect of Lisp, and was first developed in the 1970's to be used as a teaching language. XLogo implements a subset of this language, it is freeware, open source, and is designed to be easy to use.

Squeak (free software)
Squeak : "Logo on steroids"
Squeakland has been developed to offer a variety of fun experiences to people of all ages who use their computers to create. Squeakland is meant to be a playground for developing a community of people who want to work together to invent new media types.
Squeak is a "media authoring tool"-- software that you can download to your computer and then use to create your own media or share and play with others. It is free and downloadable
In English and Spanish

"While you can do simple things almost immediately, don't think that turtle graphics are the limit of the language's capabilities! You can, for instance, create a "3D" wire frame of a building, and then re-draw it from different points of view by changing just a few numbers in one line of the program."

ACSLogo is a Logo Interpreter for Mac OS X.
Logo is a popular language used to teach simple programming by guiding the progress of a 'turtle' which moves around a graphics screen.
