Literacy Assessment Online (Free to Schools)
Literacy Assessment Online (Free to Schools)
This standardised literacy assessment system was created with funding from the UK Literacy Association (Government advisory service) and as such has been available as a free resource to schools in the UK.
"... we have no problem expanding this outside of the UK at no cost - free."

Rubrics for English
Rubrics for English

Assessment Projects
Assessment Projects
Learning on the Language-Literature Border: Ways of integrating language and literature within final year modules
Creative Assessment in the English Literature degree: Towards Criteria for Assessment
Creating and Assessing Discussion Forums in English Studies
Teaching and Assessing Writing Skills
Teaching metrics using EVS (Electronic Voting System) handsets
Learning by Producing Student journals
Methodology and Criteria for Two Types of 'innovative' Assessment
Assessment and the Expanded Text Project

Student Test Reviews Online (USA)
Student Test Reviews Online - test reviews when you need them
Access test information online exactly as it appears in the Mental Measurement Yearbook series
Search by alphabetic or category listings of test titles or by keyword ... free information on almost 4,000 commercially available tests.

Testbase (UK)
Testbase 2002 - all the key stage 1, 2 and 3 national test questions, mark schemes and reports indexed and ready to use on two CDs.
The primary CD contains key stages 1 and 2 English, mathematics and science.
The secondary CD contains English, mathematics and science at key stages 2 and 3.
