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30 Essential iPad Apps for Designers and Creatives
30 Essential iPad Apps for Designers and Creatives
Here we’ll look at 30 different apps spanning several categories that can help designers and creatives out with everything from jotting down notes and wireframing to staying on task.

LEGO: Life of George
LEGO: Life of George
Introducing Life of George: the world’s first interactive game combining real LEGO bricks with apps for your iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad.
Follow George around the world as he challenges you to a series of fun building tasks.
Build as fast as possible, capture your model with your iPhone/iPod camera and get scored on your building skills.

Shop Classes Return -- with a 21st-Century Twist
Shop Classes Return -- with a 21st-Century Twist
Students in auto-body shop in the Tucson Unified School District, in Tucson, Arizona, don't just learn how to change oil or hammer out a dent.
They use computer diagnostic equipment to fix cars, and learn the green technologies of hybrid vehicles and hydrogen fuel cells.

Main CAD / CAM area on Shambles
Main CAD / CAM area on Shambles

Classroom Architect
Classroom Architect
Outline Your Classroom Floor Plan
For students, the classroom environment is very important. The size of the classroom and interior areas, the colors of the walls, the type of furniture and flooring, the amount of light, and the room arrangement all influence how students learn.
Using this floor-planning tool, design a floor plan for your classroom. When you click on an item, it will enlarge in proportion to the space. Arrows will allow you to change the position of some items. This tool provides an opportunity for experimentation with the space and layout of your classroom without any heavy lifting! When you have finished, print off your floor plan.
You can now temporarily save up to 5 floorplans at a time.
The floorplans are saved to a cookie on your computer and can only be viewed on this computer. If you want to store a floorplan for your records please print it out.

Squeak (free software)
Squeak (free software)
Squeak is a "media authoring tool"-- software that you can download to your computer and then use to create your own media or share and play with others.
Many students are using Squeak to learn more about how the world works. See children's projects and teacher's comments in School Stuff.
Other "Squeakers" use Squeak to develop games and other forms of online entertainment, while still more are writing software and basing companies on this remarkably powerful scripting language.
