eElderly : Government Website to Support the Elderly (hk)
Hong Kong Government Website to Support the Elderly
SAGE named the portal the “eElderly” and worked with other elder services organizations, government departments and corporations to custom-make an elder-friendly, easy-to-use and secure one-stop dedicated interactive online portal for the elderly and their families that incorporates information, social networking and elder services, aiming at bridging the gap across the “digital divide” so that elders can obtain necessary information with ease in relaxed and safe manner.
More importantly, after signing up for the service, each user can, by employing their own innovative ideas, actively participate in online social activities.

Shamblesguru's Live Twitter Stream

Hong Kong Government Bookstore (hk)
Hong Kong Government Bookstore
The Government Bookstore offers you efficient and round-the-clock service seven days a week to purchase various types of Government publications including Laws of Hong Kong, Gazette, social and economic statistics, periodicals and reports.
Upon receipt of an order, we will send you an invoice by post/fax/email on the cost of the publications and postage required. The purchased items will be delivered by mail after we received your payment by cheque.
A sales counter is set up at the Publications Sales Unit in Room 402, Murray Building, Garden Road, Central. The most popular items, including ordinances and subsidiary legislation, are available at the unit.

Immigration Department (hk)
The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative region ... Immigration Department

Government Telephone Directory (hk)
Telephone directory of the Government of Hong Kong (HKSAR) incuding email addresses

List of Bureaux - Departments - Related Organizations (hk)
Hong Kong List of Bureaux / Departments / Related Organizations
This list includes contact details of staff including email addresses.
Hong Kong | hk | government |

The Hong Kong Labour Department (hk)
- To improve the utilisation of human resources by providing a range of employment services to meet changes and needs in the labour market;
- To ensure that risks to people's safety and health at work are properly managed by legislation, education and promotion;
- To foster harmonious labour relations through promotion of good employment practices and resolution of labour disputes; and
- To improve and safeguard employees' rights and benefits in an equitable manner.
Job Matching Centre | Careers and Employment Agencies Division | Occupational Safety Service | Accident Statistics | HKSAR | Occupational Safety and Health e-Quiz | Occupational Safety and Health Training Centre | Labour Relations Division | Registry of Trade Unions | Employees' Compensation Division |

Hong Kong Public Libraries (hk)
The provision of public library service in Hong Kong is the responsibility of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department. The Department aims to provide public library services to meet the community's need for information, informal education and the creative use of leisure and to promote the literary arts in Hong Kong.
Hong Kong | hk | library | libraries |

Equal Opportunities Commission (hk)
Welcome to the world's first bi-lingual (Chinese/English) website on equal opportunities. The Homepage of the Equal Opportunities Commission is now equipped with a Resource Centre, Video Room, Youth Corner and many more features to make equal opportunities work for you.
Hong Kong | hk | government | gov | Equal Opportunities |

Home Affairs Dept. (hk)
Welcome to the Home Pages of the Home Affairs Department of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
Our Home Pages give an insight into the principles which guide the actions of the Home Affairs Department. They set out our goals, the many services we provide, and an outline of the organizational structure through which we, with the support of the newly-established District Councils, deliver these services.
Hong Kong | hk | government | gov | Home Affairs |

Government Press Releases (hk)
All HK government press releases
From April 1998, The Daily Information Bulletin has been revised to cover general news releases uploaded automatically onto this web site in minutes after they are disseminated to the media.
Hong Kong | hk | gov | press | news | statistics | Webcasting | Press Conferences |
News clips |

Government Information Centre (hk)
Hong Kong | hk | government | gov | Government Bureaux and Departments | Guide to Major Government Services | Employment Services | Business Licences | Funding Schemes | Government Forms | Government Gazette |
The Laws of Hong Kong | Hong Kong Year Book | Hong Kong Fact Sheets | Hong Kong in Figures | Doing Business in Hong Kong | Basic Law. The basis for a free life. |
