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 TTA Needs Analysis CDs ... Evaluation

This page lists the outcome of an exercise done on the ESF ICT Support Assessors course (28&29 Sept 1999) where the UK TTA ICT Needs Analysis CDs were evaluated.

  A:Personal Negatives   B:Personal Positives
  C:Hazards with Colleagues   D:Helpful with Colleagues
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A: Personal Observations made by individual Support Assessors : NEGATIVE
  1. Didn't give details on which subjects/age range to use.
  2. Examples for profile were very general and didn't give enough meaning when printed out.
  3. Notes - didn't know what to include.
  4. No skills base didn't explain how to make spread sheet for example.
  5. Computers seen to be used as a teaching aid not used as a resource for children; teacher talking at children not letting them participate.
  6. No reference list for software.
  7. Range of skills - need to be more defined.
  8. Because the tasks are broken down into smaller sections, it can make it difficult to gain an idea of the bigger picture.
  9. As ICT coordinator - annoying that you couldn't print total profile rather than individual subject - options of cut & paste?
  10. Printing - can't read your notes as they are too small.
  11. PC only!
  12. Some couldn't use at home for variety of reason, e.g. Mac; screen setting.
  13. Wasn't clear who the target audience was.
  14. Took a long time to familiarize myself with it.
  15. Printing - not clear what was bury printed and how to do it (we all have different printouts).
  16. Why have training notes and training priorities separate? Why not combine them. The notes should go alongside the case study.
  17. When it is printed, there should be headings telling you what the case studies are, i.e. creative writing, Shakespeare. There were no headings printed out on the printouts.
  18. Examples (case studies) could have been more original - lots of these I have already done or do. Although this could be a positive because it will seem less daunting for a person unfamiliar with using ICT.
  19. Only offered core subjects
  20. Technically not easy to instal.
  21. Need more specific instructions.
  22. Course objectives unclear.
  23. Structure needs to be clearer.
  24. Precise instructions needed to avoid annoyance, e.g. remember password , use floppy, what's real player.
  25. Guidance not given about what to look at.
  26. OK for those with IT skills. Have to do it at least twice to get the idea.
  27. Some hardware problems experienced on certain computers.
  28. Could the disk have been Mac compatible?
  29. Tow open ended? Not enough guidance - needed a focus.
  30. Not enough information on what kind of notes were required.
  31. No clear instructions on how to use it. More of a familiarization than a needs analysis.
  32. No opportunity to list current practice (no base line assessment of skills/practice).
  33. Lack of focus - more direction required.
  34. Use of language - vague statements.
  35. Too much information (initially).
  36. Unsure as to "what to do next".
  37. No initial opportunity for input.
  38. Hard to find profile, and no criteria for selection.
  39. Initial excitement but do we have the equipment to do what we see on the disk.
  40. CD is not a Needs Analysis.
  41. Did not seem to have relevance to the rest of the programme, i.e. entry level and subject specialist level.
  42. Without a clearly outlined purpose this CD could deter already reluctant IT users!
  43. Difficulties installing it - more familiar with other formats.
  44. Needs a floppy disk - you don't know until you install.
  45. No indication of correct screen setting.

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B: Personal Observations made by individual Support Assessors : POSITIVE
  1. Good demonstration and how to use IT in different subjects.
  2. Good use of lesson plans.
  3. Good ideas for software.
  4. Notes boxes more useful than points to work on.
  5. Set up easy to use - need to have a set of guidelines, so that you don't miss things out.
  6. It's free.
  7. Case studies provide insights into fresh uses of ICT in subject areas.
  8. Tasks broken into smaller sections.
  9. This is easy to follow if you already have some understanding of the topic/study area.
  10. Interesting to see lessons.
  11. Nicely packaged and presented.
  12. Quick.
  13. Cross referencing of techniques.
  14. The case studies were useful and practical - good examples. Clear, well selected.
  15. Useful to see how an interactive white board is used.
  16. ICT seen as a tool - not distracting from lesson objectives or the lesson and what you are teaching.
  17. All core subjects covered well.
  18. Time scale good.
  19. Open to different interpretation/levels of entry.
  20. Flexible.
  21. User friendly eventually!
  22. Variety equality of lesson material are good.
  23. When computer etc. was compatible, loading and running was easy.
  24. Gave a good insight into using IT in class.
  25. We enjoyed the video clips.
  26. Good notes - especially when to and not to use ICT.
  27. Examples/case studies were useful.
  28. Interesting to see use of interactive white board.
  29. Clear information on application of ICT in core subjects.
  30. Lesson plans useful.
  31. Interesting to see range of equipment available.
  32. Opens new possibilities for investigation.
  33. Good presentation and layout.
  34. Information stored on floppy.
  35. Personalised.
  36. Video clips very positive.
  37. Examples were realistic, achievable and motivating.
  38. Good examples of a variety of hardware (PC, Mac, Acorn).
  39. Not intimidating.
  40. Easy to navigate.
  41. Lesson plans well presented.
  42. Made you think about different ICT application.
  43. In a logical sequence.
  44. Easy to follow.
  45. Reflection boxes with guided questions.
  46. Increase our awareness of how we could improve our ICT provision - teacher access to it.
  47. Specimen lesson plans - good.

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C: Hazards to watch out for when using the disks with colleagues
  1. Need to have a range of software so teachers can explore their own interests.
  2. If analysing skills - difficult to collate a whole school overview and henceforth create a user programme for whole school.
  3. Teacher confidentiality.
  4. Need to have a set specific structure on how to use CD - how to open software, etc.
  5. Keeps crashing when changing disks.
  6. Doesn't run on an old PC/laptop.
  7. On screen instructions poor/useless.
  8. Disks need to be loaded for non-PC.
  9. Literate staff.
  10. Many staff may need help in using it - not straight forward as it could be.
  11. No EAL, Mandarin, careers, drama, media studies.
  12. Profile doesn't really tie us with the training material that follows.
  13. Nothing about use of internet dangers, precautions, issues and admin, etc.
  14. Not all colleagues have PC at home.
  15. New learning curve from Acorns to PC.
  16. Compatibility problems for hardware and software.
  17. Funding/resource implications and copy right restrictions.
  18. Where do we stand as a school/organisation with the amount of choices we give colleagues.
  19. Technology reliability - software reliability.
  20. Funding a wish list - conflict of objectives interests between ICT coordinator and class teacher.
  21. Training priorities are not clear.
  22. Time consuming for those not confident with IT, colleagues will need a lot of support.
  23. For staff unhappy using IT they may require very clear written instructions on how to use disk.
  24. Training priorities are not clear.
  25. For staff unhappy using IT, they may require very clear written instructions on how to use disk.
  26. Would a video be a good introduction!
  27. Statement of rationale needs to be issued and discussed.
  28. Few simple/clear guidelines with specific tasks.
  29. Instructions on which case study/profile/subject/year group to use with an option to view others.
  30. Discs 'back to front' (good material first of all).
  31. Efficient use of time?
  32. Needs step by step guide.
  33. Needs some time allocated or specified for completion.
  34. Need to establish selection criteria for each individual.
  35. Consider that profile description of priorities is quite general.
  36. Remember: ICT is not just computers, also - video, audio, digital, phone/fax.
  37. Video clips too short.
  38. Purpose not clearly defined.
  39. If more familiar with Acorn then won't know how to install.
  40. Open-endedness could be problematic if colleagues are not aware of expectations - perhaps examples of notes.
  41. Time consideration.
  42. We want, for example to have a needs analysis of control technology.
  43. Needs lots of changing, perhaps to accommodate our skills re response to colleagues.

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D: Positive Points to recommend if using the disks with colleagues in schools
  1. Staff get good ideas - what to do in classroom.
  2. Raising profile of ICT in class.
  3. Quick time was excellent, i.e. the videos on CD were great.
  4. Lessons were very accessible and easily adaptable for teachers.
  5. Video case studies provide a format to follow.
  6. Gets rid of some ICT jargon, so non-ICT specialists are not scared off.
  7. Provides examples of subject specific ICT which is good entry level stuff.
  8. Reasonably effective for majority of staff.
  9. Lesson plans/videos are useful.
  10. Each subject is short enough to be manageable.
  11. Shows you don't need a class full of computers to do it.
  12. Useful to show people who don't use ICT in their classroom.
  13. Gives an overview of other subjects for the assessor (we can direct subject specialist to their particular area).
  14. Give staff the options of approach.
  15. A good opportunity to improve skills.
  16. Good link to directly improve learning in our schools and promote ICT awareness.
  17. Provide greater information access/for analysis.
  18. Good ideas, lesson plans for using in discussion.
  19. Useful section on differentiation and assessment.
  20. Good that it concentrates on use of ICT in class.
  21. Specific videos and plans would enthuse members of staff (different members of staff would need a different course through the disk).
  22. Samples of use of ICT, e.g. worksheets etc. should be shown to staff.
  23. Professional presentation.
  24. Multi-media.
  25. Lesson plans, resources, etc. available - comprehensive.
  26. Opportunity to comment on what is presented.
  27. Provides good basis for discussion (worked examples).
  28. Good for use as a basic structure.
  29. List of ICT opportunity.
  30. Use of notes to clarify why a priority has been chosen.
  31. Not intimidating, should be ok for all colleagues.
  32. Opportunity to initiate the whole assessor thing by going through the CD together.
  33. Could use parts of the CD with a group of colleagues.
  34. We now know what not to use with colleagues.
  35. Better if you brainstorm ideas first and then look at the CD - that way you have a batch of ideas first.
  36. Wealth of material to source - well written with lesson plan and analysis.
  37. To help them consider ICT in planning, teaching and learning.
  38. Central resources built up and saved for future reference.
  39. Increase staff awareness that all staff should try ICT - whole school b/c needs to be on a continuum.

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